Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dragon Doodle


Todd Oman said...

Sweet Red Dragon, is this a sign of your new gang?

Jennie Hoffer said...

Thanks Damon! :)

Oh yes Todd, I'm moving on from the Cat Club to the Red Dragon Gangstas. ;)

Sarah Dicken said...


Ryan Green said...

Ooo...I missed this one! Awesome design and color!

Noel said...

Nice dragon Jennie, i like the tail and eyes.

Kim Burns said...

OoooooAAAaaaahhhhh! This is that tattoo you designed for yourself, isn't it? I rec putting it on YER FACE. There's a tragic lack of facial tats in America...AND no one will mess with you. Maybe a mini version of it over each eyebrow...facing each other. It'll be glorious.